About Homeopathy

What is Homeopathy ?

Homeopathy is a natural form of medicine used by over 200 million people worldwide to treat both acute and chronic conditions. It is based on the principle of ‘like cures like’. In other words, a substance taken in small amounts will cure the same symptoms it causes if taken in large amounts.


The holistic nature of homeopathy means each person is treated as a unique individual and their body, mind, spirit, and emotions are all considered in the management and prevention of disease. Taking all these factors into account a homeopath will select the most appropriate medicine based on the individual’s specific symptoms and personal level of health to stimulate their own healing ability.


Homeopathic medicines are made from natural sources and safe to use as they rarely cause side-effects. This means when used appropriately under the guidance of a qualified homeopath they can be taken by people of all ages, including babies, children and pregnant or breastfeeding women.


Homeopathy treats a variety of health conditions including:

  ● Mental-emotional disorders (Anxiety, depression, PTSD, grief and stress-related disorders);
  ● Migraine and other type of headaches;
  ● Neuropathic pain, Back pain, Joint pain;
  ● Neurological health conditions;
  ● Sciatica, lumbago;
  ● Injuries;
  ● Menopause symptoms (Hot flashes, irritability, etc);
  ● Skin diseases (Acne, eczema, psoriasis);
  ● Digestive problems, acid reflux, colitis;
  ● Colds, flus, lung, urinary infections;
  ● Arthritis, allergies, Asthma;
  ● Fatigue and sleeping problems,
  ● Autoimmune diseases e.g. Lupus, Crohn’s;
  ● Arthritis, inflammation;
  ● Diabetes, hypertension and many other problems

Integrated approach

Homeopathy cannot replace all other forms of healthcare but can be used as the first treatment option in a wide range of conditions. It can also be used in a complementary way in other situations, for example, to support good recovery after operations. Homeopathy doesn’t interfere with conventional medicine and should be seen as a complementary treatment, not as an alternative.

The best of both worlds

Despite the differences in approach, homeopathic and conventional treatments can work very well alongside each other. Consulting a medical doctor trained in homeopathy allows you to receive the best of both worlds, with the most effective treatments being tailored just for you.

Homeopathy is safe

It’s natural. Homeopaths always use the minimum dose needed. Homeopathy stimulates body’s own healing mechanism, it does not create addictions. Everyone can take it.

Homeopathy is effective
Homeopathy is holistic

It takes your physical, psychological, mental and social concerns into consideration. Homeopathy uses a holistic assessment investigating the whole body, mind and spirit.


Homeopaths work in the same way as conventional doctors do. History taking, examination, and investigation are all important in establishing the diagnosis. However, as well as asking about your symptoms, a homeopathic doctor will be interested in you as an individual and the
unique way in which your symptoms affect you.

The Homeopathic Consultation

Questions about your lifestyle, eating habits and preferences, temperament, personality, sleep patterns, and medical history help the doctor to form a complete picture of you. This picture will be matched to the symptoms of your illness in order to prescribe a particular type and strength of homeopathic medicine. 


As a guide, your first appointment could take anything up to one or two hours, with follow-up appointments typically lasting 30 minutes. This does vary depending on the practitioner and the setting in which they work.


Is Homeopathy covered by insurance?

Many health insurance companies in Canada cover homeopathy.  However, the terms of this coverage vary. Patients are advised to check with your extended benefits carrier whether your policy includes homeopathic treatment (sometimes included under paramedical services). 

Researches and videos about homeopathy

Scientific Articles on Homeopathy